Become an AI-enabled team, one step at a time.

Today it’s essential for creative and marketing leaders to understand AI. While many are experimenting, few are managing to embed AI into the way they work and embrace the next-generation of creativity and productivity.

We partner with forward-thinking creative and marketing leaders who want to understand the value of AI in driving business growth.

There’s a lot of noise out there, and not a lot of practical, pragmatic advice.  That’s where we come in.

Join our next free Introduction to AI class, designed specifically for Creative and Marketing Teams.

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“It was one of the best talks we’ve had. Your ability to explain complex topics clearly, succinctly and with such a positive lens was hugely refreshing. I can heartily recommend this to anyone who wants to immerse their team in AI.”

Perry Haydn Taylor, big fish

Future-proof your creative business: AI training as a team

When we talk to creative and marketing leaders, we often find that while they know AI is going to change the industry but they are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of AI information out there at the moment.

Our three-hour session turns overwhelm and pessimism into optimism and enthusiasm to get started, with a practical path forwards.

As a creative or marketing team you need to integrate AI into your processes before you are out competed by firms investing more heavily in AI.

You need to identify what tools are out there. And the areas of opportunity for generative AI within your business.

You want to know how the innovators in your field are using AI, and what the most valuable use cases are.

And you want to understand how it will affect your industry, and your business model, so you can proactively plan for the future.

If that sounds like you, then you've come to the right place.

The benefits of embracing AI

AI isn't about doing less work. It's about freeing you to focus on the things that truly move the needle —the big ideas, the strategic thinking, the creative breakthroughs. With AI handling the lower value, routine and repetitive tasks, you get more space for the work that really matters: driving value and pushing the boundaries of what's possible .

Creative agency Superside complete projects an average of 60% faster using AI in their workflows.

79% of marketing professionals think empowering human creativity is the main benefit of using AI in creative workflows.

Companies using AI report a 250% return on their investment.

“We all left fizzing with excitement and thinking about how AI can work for us going forward. To all my agency mates, this is a must for your creative teams, go check it out Spark.”

Ben Keylock, Creative Director, Brand Point Zero

Our Mission

We understand that the future belongs to those who innovate. Being creative professionals ourselves, our mission is to help creative businesses and in-house teams transition smoothly into this new era, ensuring AI becomes an asset rather than a burden.

Introduction to AI for Creative and Marketing Teams

Join our next free live class designed specifically for Creative and Marketing Teams - September 25th 2024, 11.30am GMT

With Jules Love
& Emma Wharton