“It was one of the best talks we’ve had. Your ability to explain complex topics clearly, succinctly and with such a positive lens was hugely refreshing. I can heartily recommend this to anyone who wants to immerse their team in AI.”

Perry Haydn Taylor, Founder, big fish

“A productive, inspiring, and practical session. Spark not only really know their ‘AI stuff’ but also, having worked in our industry, understands what the day-to-day implications are for a creative business and the possibilities that AI represents.”

Candida Uren, Managing Director, Columns

“Thank you for such an insightful, inspiring and thought provoking session on Gen AI. Your ability to take complex subjects and explain it clearly and beautifully, with real outtakes is something to behold. We covered everything from what agencies are doing now, where it's going, practical application, hands on learning and overcoming the risks around AI usage in what we do.

We all left fizzing with excitement and thinking about how AI can work for us going forward. To all my agency mates, this is a must for your creative teams, go check it out Spark.”

Ben Keylock, Creative Director, Brand Point Zero

“This was a brilliant insightful session. Highly recommend to any creative agencies thinking about how best to utilise AI as a tool.”

Jamie Ellul, Founder & Creative Director, Supple Studio

“It was an extremely insightful session that shows how AI is developing and is being implemented into the industry. It also helped me understand what AI could be used for within the creative process.”

True North

“Having already used AI for a number of our brand communication projects, this training session provided an excellent opportunity to further understand and discuss the opportunities and issues, with plenty of practical advice and ideas.”

Bob Mytton, Mytton Williams

“Emma and Jules were very welcoming and held a very informative introduction to AI. Their clear and concise approach was very useful when understanding the benefits, and areas to look out for with AI. We left with a better understanding of whats possible, and will certainly be looking into how we can utilise this technology moving forward. Thanks Guys!”

Tim Durant, Design Director, SHIFT Active Media

“Spark’s training has opened my eyes to the opportunities of AI. I can now see very clearly, how I can support my brand strategy practice using AI tools. I also have an understanding of where I need to develop policies and contracts. This kind of agency-specific advice cuts through the noise. Great stuff.”

Sue Bush, Founder, The Co-Foundry

“Fascinating presentation, Jules was a great presenter, really knows his AI onions and made a subject that sounds daunting very engaging.”

Head of AI, big fish

“Super informative and eye opening - definitely something workplaces should be keeping up to date with in this day and age and this session is a great way to set a strong foundation with when it comes to AI in the workplace.”

Jess Morgan, Founder, Carnsight

“I came away from this session with my mind blown about the possibilities and what the future holds. The session was really detailed and gave me practical takeaways, but also gave me really useful context so I could understand why this is something to pursue in the near future.”

Fliss Childs, Partner, Fielden Clegg Bradley Studios

“This was a really good learning experience. New things for us all to think about, especially if we want to avoid being caught in a race to the bottom (of an absence) of quality and cost. Thanks to the team at Spark for giving us some great new knowledge.”

Tom Chesterton, Chief Executive and Founder, Tonic

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you:

  1. Subscribe to our newsletter Spark Intelligence to get bi-weekly intel on AI for creatives straight into your inbox.

  2. Fill out our 'Gen AI readiness survey' and get some top tips on how to get started.

  3. Book a 15-minute call to learn more about our 'Generative AI for Creative Teams' workshop.